Hi Everyone thank you for coming to my blog. I am new to blogging and I am learning as I go so please bear with me as I go. Oh yeah and I am dyslexia and some times that comes out in my spelling and yes my grammar. My hope is that my page helps to inspires you to get out and travel but travel smart. Welcome to my blog. I am super exited about this for I love to travel, meet new people, and take photos.
“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert
Our First port of call was Ketchikan. Our first excursion was later in the day so we got to walked around the town to take in the beauty. Ketchikan is the best places in Alaska to see and get authentic totem poles. Totem poles tell the history of the native clan or village.
Did You Know: The name "Ketchikan" is believed to come from the Tlinit word "Kitschk-Hin" meaning" thundering wing of an eagle"
Did You Know: Dont feel bad if someone tells you you're the " low man on the totem pole". Often, the most important figure can be found at the base, not on top, as many believe.
We had amazing time and their was other places in Ketchikan we wanted to see but will have to wait for next time....